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Antique white ironstone D.C.L Yeast advertising platter
Small ironstone compote - Royal Winton
XL Antique french 'Bienvenue' Welcome barrel pot
Vintage wicker basket
Antique ironstone watering can - T. Goode, London
Antique salt glazed mug with relief grapes
White porcelain cake slice - moulded handle
Unusual vintage white ceramic spoon
Antique ironstone 4 table spoon measure
Vintage dummy chocolate bar - Galapeter milk chocolate
Vintage dummy chocolate bar - Carols Caramel Chocolate
Vintage French stoneware pot
Antique ironstone Cooper & Co. Furnishers advertising plate - Winchester
1x Large version antique ironstone Eddystone milk boiler
French porcelain creamer jug
Antique ironstone cascade milk boiler
Large ironstone cafe au lait bowl Boch la Louviere - 19cm
Antique ironstone scale plate Carnegie & Layton Ltd 8”
Antique white ironstone jelly mould of two parrots
Antique ironstone footed plinth John A Gilbert London - Wedgwood